
Research calls for change to China monetary policy

CHINA - With the development of the capital market, the fluctuation of asset prices will have an increasingly greater influence on the stability of money demand and in turn affect the quantity and mix of money supply. For this, the monetary policy should…

Non-bank Chinese institutions need funding

CHINA - China's central bank wants to draw private capital into investing in hundreds of cash-starved non-bank financial institutions to boost their financial strength, according to China Securities.

China to unify mark on banking cards

CHINA - China's central bank issued a circular Monday demanding that all commercial banks adopt a unified "Yinlian" mark on their banking cards for the purpose of settling in the local currency, Renminbi.

No trial operations approved for banks in China

CHINA - China's central bank said on 2 July it has not approved any trial operations of new private banks and declared such moves illegal, contradicting a media report last week that some trials were well progressed.

People's Bank plans customer protection scheme

CHINA - China plans to set up a deposit insurance system to protect bank customers and reduce increasing risks in the banking sector. Announcing the plan, People's Bank of China (PBOC) Vice-Governor Wu Xialiang, said establishing such a system was an…

China's cbank drafts e-banking regulations

CHINA - China's central bank is drafting regulations concerning e-banking and guidelines for e-banking risk management, which are expected to be promulgated soon, a top bank official announced.

Asian countries agree currency swap network

ASIA - Asia's leading governments have put the finishing touches to plans for a network of currency swap arrangements to guard against a repeat of the 1997 regional economic crisis as concerns of a new global slowdown grow.

PBOC vows to promote e-banking

CHINA - A senior official of China's central bank said on Apr 7, 2001 that the central bank is adopting active measures to support the development electronic banking.

China FX reserves rising to $200bn-BusinessWeek

CHINA - China's foreign reserves will rise steadily, enabling it to hold its yuan peg to the dollar in the face of the weakening yen, US-based BusinessWeek magazine on Apr 3, 2001 quoted central bank Governor Dai Xianglong as saying.

Thailand, Japan close to currency swap deal-paper

Thailand and Japan are close to concluding a bilateral currency swap agreement in the next few months as part of a regional arrangement to support Asian currencies in crisis, the Nation newspaper said on Mar 13, 2001.

BIS sets up Asia-Pacific consultative council

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) said on Mar 12, 2001 it had set up an Asian Consultative Council comprising governors of its central bank members in the region.

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