
Speech by H Kohler, Managing Director, IMF, 3 May

SPEECH - International Monetary Fund chief Horst Koehler on Friday ended a tour of Africa with a conference aimed at attracting new investors to Ghana, and said in a speech titled 'Building a Better Future in Africa' that the latest U.S. efforts to…

Rand revival hits five-month high

SOUTH AFRICA - South Africa's battered currency continued its dramatic revival on Monday as the rand climbed to its best level against the dollar since November last year.

Speech by Tito Mboweni, RB of South Africa, 24 Apr

SPEECH - At a graduation ceremony speech Mboweni said "At my place of work, the South African Reserve Bank, we operate in a highly internationalised environment. Given our historic past, our recruitment drive has been focused on African, Coloured, Indian…

BOU forex strategy may be paying off

UGANDA - The Bank of Uganda's (BOU) new strategy of intervening into the foreign exchange market without disclosing amounts sold, seems to be working, reports New Africa News.

SA Reserve Bank hits back at its critics

SOUTH AFRICA - The Reserve Bank has mounted a counter attack against bankers who told the rand commission that the rand's crash last year was caused in part by the Bank's October circular enforcing exchange controls more strictly.

Banjul joins single currency

GAMBIA - The Gambia has joined five other countries in the West African sub-region in the introduction of a single currency, the West Africa Second Monetary Zone ( WAMZ).

Speech by Tito Mboweni, Res Bank of South Africa

SPEECH - In the speech made 9 February Mboweni said there is a need for a mechanism to inject additional liquidity into the world economy during times of stress. He said that reform of the international financial system should also address the problem of…

Speech by Tito Mboweni, Res Bank of South Africa

SPEECH - Mboweni said in the speech titled, 'Globalisation and implications for monetary policy in South Africa' that we are witnessing the global acceptance by political leaders of the independence of central banks as a critical factor for credible…

South Africa restructures policy committee

SOUTH AFRICA - South Africa's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), which oversees the country's financial policies, has been restructured and will meet four times this year, the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) announced on Tuesday.

South Africa c bank deputy gov retires

SOUTH AFRICA - The Reserve Bank of South Africa confirmed on Wednesday that its senior deputy governor, James Cross, would be retiring for health reasons at the end of December, leaving only one deputy governor at the central bank.

S Africa's Nov gold, For Ex reserves up 9.4%

SOUTH AFRICA - South Africa's gold and foreign exchange reserves rose 9.4% to 77.7 billion rand ($1=ZAR10.8755) in November from ZAR71.00 billion in October, the South African Reserve Bank said Friday.

S Africa ctrl bk may move against Rand speculators

SOUTH AFRICA - Tito Mboweni, South Africa's Reserve Bank governor may move to stamp out the use of local finance to fund speculative attacks against the rand, the daily Business Day newspaper reported Friday 28 September.

Africa urged to speed up market integration

SOUTH AFRICA - Africa must step up efforts to integrate its financial markets, but the creation of a single bourse is still a long way off, African central bankers and exchange officials said on 15 August.