News/Monetary Policy

CNB will publish meeting records after six years

CZECH REPUBLIC - The Czech National Bank (CNB) has decided to publish the records of the bank board meetings. The central bank reacts to the interest and specific needs of economic analysts, economics students and historians of the Czech economy or of…

Blair and Brown set euro vote timetable

UK - Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have drawn up a timetable for a euro referendum and are preparing to make a judgment, probably next year, about whether to call one, reports the Financial Times in London, 27 June.

IMF accord enters calculation stage

UNITED STATES - The Brazilian delegation in Washington keeps making ambiguous statements on the possibility of a new accord with the IMF but, according to a source at the IMF, they are "making their calculations".

Italian bank chief backs Berlusconi's policies

ITALY - Antonio Fazio, the governor of the Bank of Italy, on 24 July gave strong backing to the economic policies of Silvio Berlusconi's new centre-right government, blaming the prime minister's predecessors for giving the country a low rate of economic…

Central bank guidelines on credit extension

NIGERIA - The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) lived up to its billing in pursuit of its function of promoting monetary stability and a sound financial system when last week it rolled out a new guideline on public spending, reports All Africa Global Media,…

Research calls for change to China monetary policy

CHINA - With the development of the capital market, the fluctuation of asset prices will have an increasingly greater influence on the stability of money demand and in turn affect the quantity and mix of money supply. For this, the monetary policy should…

Impact of euro cash set to be 'low'

GERMANY - Deutsche Bank, Germany's biggest bank, has warned against overestimating the potential disruption generated by the change to euro cash at the start of next year. The bank said it was more likely to be a "big bang" with "little impact" on…

Greenspan says monetary policy still works

US - Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said today, 24 July, that changes in monetary policy are still able to boost the economy, even as the U.S. economy has continued to drag after a series of Fed rate cuts.

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