
Second term for Mexico's Ortiz

Guillermo Ortiz, the governor of the Bank of Mexico, looks set to push on through to a second term when his current term expires at the end of this year. Ortiz has confirmed that Fox will nominate him to the senate, whose approval will be needed for…

Banco de Mexico sues over loans

The central bank of Mexico announced on Monday 16 June that it had sued four of the country's largest banks to release information related to bad loans during the mid-1990s peso crisis, according to Reuters.

Fed and Bank of Mexico announce clearing system

The Federal Reserve and the Banco de Mexico on Tuesday 10 June announced a new clearing-house system that will lower transaction costs for banks handling an estimated $200bn in commercial payments and remittances each year, according to a report in the…

Mexico to auction $32 m per day in reserves

The Bank of Mexico intends to sell part of its reserves each day for the next three months in a move designed to stem the growth of its international reserves, according to a report by Reuters.

Mexico c bank keeps monetary policy unchanged

The Banco de Mexico maintained its current monetary policy stance at its meeting on Friday April 11, Reuters reports. The annual inflation rate at the end of March was 5.64 percent, exceeding the central bank's goal of 3.0 percent.

Mexico tightens monetary policy

Mexico's central bank tightened monetary policy on Friday March 28, according to a report in the Financial Times. The bank does not change interest rates but uses a mechanism known as the "corto" which limits the amount of liquidity available to the…

Mexico keeps its inflation target at 3 per cent

The Bank of Mexico on Wednesday played down the prospects of direct intervention in the foreign exchange markets to support the peso, as it unveiled a monetary policy for this year that maintains its target of 3 per cent inflation for the year.

Dodge on Staying the Course

SPEECH - In the speech 'Staying the Course' David Dodge of the Bank of Canada said the current uncertainties will dissipate, and stronger growth will resume, provided we continue to pursue sound macro, trade, and structural policies. What is important is…

Duisenberg at the Banco de Mexico conference

SPEECH - In a speech to the 2nd international conference organised by the Banco de Mexico made on 12 November, Wim Duisenberg of the European Central Bank said over recent months, a high degree of uncertainty - stemming mainly from developments in stock…

Greenspan on The Wealth of Nations Revisited

SPEECH - In the speech 'The Wealth of Nations Revisited' made on 12 November, Alan Greenspan of the Federal Reserve said Adam Smith's idea of the 'invisible hand' whereby economic decisions that benefit an individual benefit society as a whole indirectly…

Bienvenidos Sr Greenspan

ARTICLE - Ever so briefly yesterday, the capital of the world financial system moved to Mexico City. Alan Greenspan, Andrew Crockett, Wim Duisenberg and a bevy of other central bankers were all in town for a seminar on macroeconomic stability organised…