
Speech by A Fazio, Governor Bank of Italy, 21 July

SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Globalization, law, the person' Fazio said with the increase in wealth, distributive inequalities have been aggravated. Some countries have not shared in the benefits of expanding trade. International crises ultimately…

Speech by A Fazio, Governor Bank of Italy, 15 July

SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Fact-finding preliminary to the examination of the Economic and Financial Planning Document for the years 2003-2006' Fazio said in the 1990s Italy's economy grew more slowly than those of the other European countries…

Speech by A Fazio, Governor Bank of Italy, 26 June

SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Public debt, saving and social security' Fazio said credit, money and securities markets able to supply a broad range of services and finance are indispensable for firms' growth; they allow households to diversify their…

Speech by A Fazio, Governor Bank of Italy, 15 June

SPEECH - In the speech titled 'The North-East and Italy's firms - Development and the values of civil society' Fazio said with economic success, the typical problems of a mature economy have now surfaced. Difficulties derive from the limits of the local…

Bank Italia to out source some activities

ITALY - Italian central bank Bank Italia has decided to authorise the outsourcing of over-the-counter banking activities. Banks may use their own branches or call in outside firms specialising in call centre management.

ECB Padoa-Schioppa - 'excessive' talk on inflation

ITALY - European Central Bank board member Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa said the central bank has to monitor with attention the current level of euro-zone consumer prices which remain above 2.0 pct year-on-year, but believes it is "excessive" to describe the…

Padoa-Schioppa- ECB "satisfied" by German promises

ITALY - European Central Bank executive board member Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, in an interview published Friday, said the ECB was "satisfied" with the German government's promises to cut its budget deficit aggressively in an effort to bring it in line with…

Padoa-Schioppa, ECB "satisfied" by German promises

ITALY - European Central Bank executive board member Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, in an interview published Friday, said the ECB was "satisfied" with the German government's promises to cut its budget deficit aggressively in an effort to bring it in line with…

Speech by Antonio Fazio Governor Bank of Italy

SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Recovery and growth of the Italian economy' Fazio said that the Bank of Italy expects economic growth in the European Union to slow to 1.5 percent in 2002 from 1.7 percent last year. But that EU growth was likely to recover…

Berlusconi defends central bank powers

ITALY - Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi Friday threw his weight behind the Bank of Italy after a group of lawmakers proposed to strip the central bank of banking surveillance powers as part of a wider reform involving a number of regulatory bodies.

Duisenberg - No need to change ECB team yet

ITALY - European Central Bank Governor Wim Duisenberg said in remarks published on Wednesday it was unlikely he would complete his full term as the head of the bank but said the management team should not be changed yet.

ECB's Padoa Schioppa sees no more cuts now

ITALY - Tommaso Padoa Schioppa, a member of the European Central Bank's council, said he doesn't see the euro-zone central bank cutting interest rates again in the foreseeable future, according to an interview with La Repubblica Saturday.

Report casts doubt on how Italy qualified for euro

ITALY - The government of a European Union country - understood to be Italy - used the derivatives market to camouflage the true size of its budget deficit so that it could be admitted to the European single currency, according to a report.

Speech by Antonio Fazio Governor Bank of Italy

SPEECH - Joint Session of the Fifth Committees of the Italian Senate and Chamber of Deputies. Testimony. Fact-finding preliminary to the examination of the Economic and Financial Planning Document for the years 2002-2006. Antonio Fazio, Governor, Bank of…

Italian bank chief backs Berlusconi's policies

ITALY - Antonio Fazio, the governor of the Bank of Italy, on 24 July gave strong backing to the economic policies of Silvio Berlusconi's new centre-right government, blaming the prime minister's predecessors for giving the country a low rate of economic…

Bank of Italy merger veto curbs ambitions of banks

ITALY - Bank of Italy Governor Antonio Fazio's continued opposition to mergers between leading Italian banks is proving to be a big drag on the sector as domestic mergers and acquisitions are the only way Italian banks can grow to catch up with larger…