
Argentine deal set to speed budget approval

ARGENTINA - Argentina's Congress was finally due to start discussing this year's budget yesterday, after the government reached a funding agreement with provincial governors on Wednesday night. That deal should mean rapid approval of the budget and could…

Argentina debates crisis budget

ARGENTINA - Argentine leaders are on Thursday expected to debate an austerity budget aimed at finding a way out of the country's economic crisis.

Gold loses its shine as banks sell, costs fall

AUSTRALIA - A third of the gold ever mined, or 30,000 tonnes, is stored in central banks around the world. The banks want to lower their reserves in favour of higher yielding investments such as bonds and currency.

India's Jalan- High FX reserves hedge uncertainty

INDIA - India's growing foreign exchange reserves - at record high levels and expected to touch $50 billion by the end of the fiscal year 31 March - "take into account every uncertainty," Reserve Bank of India Governor Bimal Jalan said Friday.

Currency dealing liberalised in China

CHINA - The central bank has eased controls on foreign-exchange dealing by domestic banks to put them on an equal footing with foreign competitors, it was reported.

IMF urged to help Argentina

ARGENTINA - The South American trade bloc, Mercosur, has appealed to international lenders to do more to help Argentina as it draws up a plan to rescue the economy.

Debt relief urged for poorest seven countries

UK - Aid donor countries are to meet in London later this week to consider possible new financial support - including foreign debt relief - for the seven poorest countries of the former Soviet Union.

Venezuela c bank to start dollar auctions Monday

VENEZUELA - The Venezuelan Central Bank will start Monday with a daily auction of U.S. dollars to the currency market to guarantee supplies of dollars while the bolivar adapts to a new free-floating exchange system.

Riksbank's general council backs extra dividend

SWEDEN - The General Council of Sweden's Riksbank Friday presented a proposal to the Swedish parliament recommending that an additional SEK20 billion of the central bank's net income for 2001 be transferred to the Treasury.

Gold bugs should not get too excited

AUSTRALIA - Predictions of a sustained increase in gold prices are not expected to be realised. The reason for the lack of a sustained revival is the poor business foundations of the gold industry.

Argentine peso strengthens

ARGENTINA - It is now three days since Argentina allowed its currency, the peso, to float freely for the first time in more than a decade and so far the peso has held its own, contrary to many experts' predictions.

Banks review systems for managing risk

UK - Risk managers at banks in Britain and Ireland are re-examining defences against rogue traders following the loss of $750m (£532m) by Allied Irish Banks last week.

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