
Koh Yong Guan to be new MAS managing director

SINGAPORE - Mr Koh Yong Guan, Permanent Secretary for National Development Ministry, will take over from Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam as the managing director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore from Monday.

BI won't freeze bin Laden's assets

INDONESIA - Bank Indonesia has refused to freeze financial assets linked to Osama bin Laden as demanded by the U.S. government, according to Antara news agency.

Regulators seek more data about credit derivatives

US - U.S. bank regulators, saying the notional amount of credit derivatives at banks has increased more than sixfold since 1997, from $55 billion to $352 billion, are proposing new reporting requirements on credit derivatives.

Fed eases rules on foreign banks, US branches

US - Almost four years after it was first proposed, the Federal Reserve on Wednesday approved easing rules on activities of branches of U.S. banks abroad and for U.S.-based branches of foreign financial institutions.

Economic leaders choose Ottawa

CANADA - The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank have confirmed that their delayed annual meetings will now be held in Ottawa on 17-18 November.

International finance meetings back on agenda

UK - The International Monetary Fund and World Bank are finalising plans to call meetings of their powerful policy-making committees within two months. The meetings were postponed after the 11 September attacks.

World's most unusual central bank

AFGHANISTAN - This is no ordinary central bank. The currency reserves of the Northern Alliance - large wads of Afghani notes that arrive from neighbouring Tajikistan - are kept in a broom cupboard in a mud-walled hut in the dusty Afghan town of Khoja…

Swaziland on money-laundering alert

SWAZILAND - Swaziland is on alert for foreign organisations trying to channel money through the tiny African kingdom after a government official was offered a bribe, authorities said on Monday 15 October.

Euro coins out in Austria ahead of official launch

AUSTRIA - A small volume of euro-denominated coins have already entered into circulation amongst the general public in Austria. This is despite the fact that starter packs of euro coins are not officially due to be released to private citizens until mid…

Financial regulator rejects Tory call for probe

UK - The City regulator has rejected Conservative calls for an investigation of the government's role in the collapse of Railtrack, and told MPs if impropriety were proven it would be up to the government to prosecute itself.

Why China needs a real central bank

ARTICLE - On paper, the People's Bank of China is in charge of monetary affairs - In reality, its authority is emasculated by party politics - a huge liability as WTO entry nears.

Conference targets terror funds

CANADA - An international conference on money laundering opens in Montreal late on Monday 15 October, aimed at helping countries harmonise their approaches to tackling the issue.

Prime candidate for Bank of England hot seat

ARTICLE - In all the turmoil over a momentous weekend, a valuable contribution to City gossip is in danger of being overlooked. The esteemed City chronicler, Christopher Fildes, reminded us in his Spectator column last week that the next big job vacancy…

Speech by Christian Noyer of the ECB

SPEECH - Speech by Mr. Christian Noyer, Vice-President of the European Central Bank, at the European Federation of Finance House Associations (EUROFINAS) conference, Warsaw, 15 October.

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