Reserve management not just about stability – CBBH governor
Head of Bosnian central bank says fresh approach is required to achieve “stability and returns”
US debt sustainability and central bank balance sheet dynamics
Higher interest rates are putting pressure on central bank profits and may increase supply of government debt, especially during quantitative tightening. Will central banks be required to issue bonds?
Geoeconomic reserve management
The world order is evolving. Whether, and how, the international economy remains integrated or shifts into spheres of influence has consequences for central bank policy and reserve management.
Geoeconomic reserve management
The world order is evolving and geopolitical risks are heightened. Geoeconomic fragmentation is a real concern for reserve managers.
Foreign policy impact on future FX reserves composition
Restrictive covenants in global financial safety net system drive fragmentation, while CBDCs and digital petroyuan may alter FX reserve investments
The long and short of it: from ‘new normal’ to ‘old ordinary’
Arnab Das, global economic counsellor and macro strategist at Invesco, draws on macro history to try to put the present in perspective and navigate the future. This thought leadership commentary draws on policymaker and reserve manager discussions…
New York Fed announces new reserve ampleness calculation tool
Bank’s president says new product will provide early-warning signs about reserves’ scarcity
Reserve Benchmarks 2024 – model banks analysis
New breakdowns reveal differences in central bank reserves management by size and economic group
Navigating uncertainty: the impact of the 2024 US elections on emerging markets
Franklin Templeton analyses possible outcomes of the US elections, the effect on trade, foreign and domestic policies, market impact and implications for emerging market (EM) economies
Central banks buying less gold
Net purchases in August were lowest monthly level since March, says World Gold Council
Reserve Benchmarks 2024 report – the challenge of diversification
Central banks’ insights into portfolio make-up shine light on new and old trends
Hungary’s central bank increases gold reserves by 16.4%
MNB now has highest per capita bullion stocks in central and eastern Europe
Handful of central banks expanded swap lines in past year
Vast majority of swap lines offer US dollar liquidity
One in 10 central banks uses FX swaps to defend currency
Interventions were relatively common in past year, suggesting greater activity in spot market
Middle income countries form largest membership of World Bank Ramp
Central banks highlight market intel, support, training as partnership gains
Half of middle income central banks intervened in FX markets in 2023
Liquidity tranches form largest part of reserves in lower-middle income countries
Risk departments propose benchmarks at most central banks
Investment committees increasingly empowered to approve reserve benchmarks
Most high income central banks engage in securities lending
But liquidity stress-testing tends to be common practice across middle income institutions
Large reserve holders use external managers for intel and new assets
Staff training trumps new asset class adoption as overall goal for third parties’ engagement