BCRA requires prior approval for all FX requests
Virtual freeze on exchange as Pesce and other directors make way for Milei’s picks
Myanmar lets kyat float
Central bank also reduces requisition of foreign currency as war goes badly for junta
Israeli reserves increase by almost $7 billion in November
FX sales fall from $8.2 billion in October to $338 million last month
IMF: Argentina needs ‘a strong and credible central bank’
Central bank caps banks’ FX holdings ahead of Milei inauguration on December 10
DNB aligns $9.7 billion of reserves with Paris Climate Agreement
Targets aimed to reduce “real-world” carbon emissions beyond portfolio decarbonisation
Managing reserves amid climate change and home-shoring
Central banks can still make asset allocations with solid climate outcomes, despite slippage in the net-zero timetable, writes Gary Smith
BCRA ex-governor Caputo will be Argentina’s economy minister
Central bank halts sales of devaluation hedge bonds
Sarb governor confirms Treasury may draw on reserves to service debt
South African authorities considering use of $25 billion to address ‘expensive’ repayments
China and Saudi Arabia set up currency swap line
Three-year swap line will provide liquidity to both sides of up to $6.98 billion
IMF renews Mexico’s flexible credit line
Two-year deal provides Mexico with $35 billion in case of crisis
Hong Kong’s currency peg under strain – US report
Hong Kong’s currency peg to the dollar touched its weak side more than 40 times over a year
Paper calls for Sarb to pass reserves to South African government
Report says central bank contingency account appreciated by nearly $8 billion
Malawi imposes capital controls after devaluation
Central bank devalued kwacha by 30% against US dollar last week
Crisis-stricken Israel has faith in central bank
Economists tell Central Banking the government must radically change fiscal priorities
Bank of Israel’s FX interventions reached $8.2 billion in October
Central bank approved $30 billion programme following Hamas attacks on Israel
Indonesia and Singapore renew bilateral liquidity lines
MAS and Bank Indonesia also renew bilateral repo agreement
Egypt restricts foreign currency credit card payments
The move comes after the central bank restricted debit card use abroad
Chile central bank acknowledges ‘very important depreciation’
Issue will feature at next week’s monetary policy meeting
Ecuador president-elect sends mixed signals on central bank raid
Noboa pledged to spend $1.5 billion, but later said this would only be in emergency
Reserve Benchmarks 2023 – model banks analysis
Benchmarking data sheds light on key differences in reserves management strategies in advanced, emerging and developing economies
Israeli economy and budget will remain resilient, says Yaron
Bank of Israel governor expects inflation will return to target on schedule
Kenya to buy back $500 million in Eurobonds
Central bank governor says country will seek ‘exceptional’ IMF funding