
Polish c bank's new duties may be unconstitutional

POLAND - The Constitutional Tribunal is likely to judge the planned amendments to the legislation regulating the duties of Poland's central bank unconstitutional, claims Mieczyslaw Czarniawski, head of the parliamentary Public Finance Committee.

Speech by W. McDonough, New York Fed Bank, 2 Jul

SPEECH - In a speech titled 'The importance of central bank independence in achieving price stability' McDonough extolled the virtues of central bank independence and reiterated the importance of maintaining price stability for an economy.

Vision not aggression says Polish c bank chief

POLAND - "There is no conflict between the Polish central bank and the government when it comes to real economic issues. What we see is the government's aggression against an independent state institution, something unheard of in the civilized world. In…

Effort made to bring Poland closer to eurozone

POLAND - The Finance Ministry and the Central Bank (NBP) have set up a joint group on the strategy of bringing the Polish economy closer to the Eurozone, which will discuss issues related to the zloty exchange rate strategy in the period of entering the…

Independent NBP will consider weaker zloty

POLAND - President Aleksander Kwasniewski, who last week agreed to become a mediator between the government and the Monetary Policy Council (RPP), after meeting the latter on Tuesday, has confirmed his dedication to the independence of Poland's central…

No threat to cb independence says Polish president

POLAND - Alexander Kwansniewski, the president of Poland, in suporting anammendment to bring the bank act in to line with EU standards, offeredreasurrance over the National Bank's independence: "I cannot see any threats to the independence of the central…

Polish governor's bodyguards removed

ARTICLE - The relationship between the government and central bank in Poland continues to deteriorate. A full apology from the government is in order over the latest episode, argues an editorial in the Warsaw Business Journal.

Polish gov't calls for exchange rate discussion

POLAND - Following a government session on Tuesday, finance minister Marek Belka called the central bank's Monetary Policy Council (RPP) to discuss potential proposals aimed at abandoning the policy of no-intervention on the foreign exchange market, and…

Polish central bank head ready for gov't dialogue

POLAND - Polish National Bank (NBP) President Leszek Balcerowicz declared on Thursday he was ready for dialogue with the finance minister but believed that structural reforms and securing higher competitiveness were more important than discussions on the…

Polish cen bank dep chairman favours fixed ex rate

POLAND - Central bank deputy chairman Andrzej Bratkowski said the economy could benefit from a fixed zloty rate in a situation when the inflow of foreign capital linked with the prospect of Poland's EU accession will continue to strengthen the zloty.

Poland's c bank boosts reserves by $165m in April

POLAND - The announcement made by the National Bank of Poland (NBP), that it will boost reserves by $165m, signifies that Poland's reserve assets on the last day of April accounted for $27,224bn and were $660m higher than on 31 December 2001.

Polish rate cut too shallow - Fin Min

POLAND - The National Bank of Poland's (NBP) rate cuts on Thursday confirmed the bank's support for the leftist government's economic programme, but Finance Minister Marek Belka hoped for deeper cuts, his spokesman said.

Polish premier calls for interest rate cut

POLAND - Prime Minister Leszek Miller said on Wednesday he hoped that the Monetary Policy Council (RPP) would support the government in implementing its economic programme by cutting interest rates.

Polish MPC member says gov't missed reform chance

POLAND - A member of Poland's ten strong Monetary Policy Council, Boguslaw Grabowski, has said that Poland's leftist government missed a great opportunity to make deep fiscal and structural reforms in the first months after taking power last October.

Polish PM scales back anti-central bank rhetoric

POLAND - Polish Prime Minister Leszek Miller softened hostile rhetoric against the country's central bank on Sunday but kept intact the message that bankers should stop damaging the limp economy with high interest rates.

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