Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Sparks fly between Cox and McCain

Christopher Cox, the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and John McCain, the Republican president candidate, have clashed over McCain's comment that he would fire Cox if he were president.

Tumpel-Gugerell: we need a European SEC

Europe's needs to get its house in order to be prepared for the global challenges related to the infrastructure for securities, said Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell, a member of the executive board f the European Central Bank.

SEC's Cox warns on SWF state ownership

The fundamental question on sovereign wealth funds does not concern the advisability of foreign ownership, but rather of government ownership, says Christopher Cox, the head of the Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC).

London office for US regulator?

Christopher Cox, the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the chief regulator in the US, said it would select either London or Brussels for its European office, part of its strategy of building a closer relationship with its foreign…

SEC and FSA chiefs to discuss hedge fund rules

Paul Atkins, the commissioner of the US Securities and Exchange Commission, and Hector Sants, the chief executive of the UK Financial Services Authority, will meet with senior hedge fund professionals to ask if funds should be regulated and to see what…

US watchdogs mull hedge fund regulation

After hearing testimonies on developments in the hedge fund industry, the Financial Services Committee of the American House of Representatives has suggested that tighter regulation of the industry may be required.

Hedge funds will be regulated, one way or another

According to this article by Bloomberg, published Friday 14 July, although a US court blocked the Securities and Exchange Commission from regulating hedge funds, the business hasn't permanently escaped the grasp of regulators.

Christopher Cox sworn in as SEC chairman

With his wife Rebecca standing at his side, Christopher Cox took the oath of office to become the 28th Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission from Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan on Wednesday 3 August.

Thailand's SET backs new derivatives exchange

Thailand's new derivatives market is expected to open next year with funding from the Stock Exchange of Thailand, notes the Bangkok Post. The new exchange will begin trade in futures contracts based on the stock index, interest and currency rates.

Drive for greater SEC powers

Senior Republicans on Wednesday 21 May introduced a draft bill that they said would help rebuild investor confidence and increase the powers of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Financial Times reports.

Departing SEC chairman wins a standing ovation

US - Harvey Pitt delivered his valedictory speech to the securities industry Friday, with a defence of his record as chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission and a sideswipe at the partisanship that, he implied, had made the job impossible.

SEC chairman Harvey Pitt resigns

US - US Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Harvey Pitt resigned under pressure Tuesday night after a series of political missteps that embarrassed the Bush White House just when it needed to shore up investors unnerved by accounting scandals.

SEC chairman Pitt asks for promotion

US - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission chairman Harvey Pitt, again exhibiting a flair for the political miscue, was under attack 24 July, reports Reuters, for seeking a promotion and a pay raise.

Joint Press Release

PRESS RELEASE - The federal financial institutions supervisory agencies today announced that the financial institutions they supervise should follow the guidance issued by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission with respect to auditing and…

Greenspan O'Neill to testify on financial literacy

US - Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, and Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Harvey Pitt will testify in Congress early next month on efforts to promote financial literacy, the Senate Banking Committee…

Pakistan central bank governor announces new plan

PAKISTAN - As of 1 July, 2002, all non-banking financial services in Pakistan, such as investment and corporate advisory service; leasing, housing finance and venture capital companies and discount houses, will be regulated by the Securities and Exchange…

Changing the guard on Capitol Hill-by Richard Hill

ARTICLE - Months after Bush's win, two of America's key regulators, the SEC and CFTC, are still without chairmen. In the latest issue of The Financial Regulator Richard Hill examines the likely nominees, and what the new Congress has in store for them.

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