Central Banks

Facelift for the greenback

US - Redback, pinkback, and blueback may not have quite the same ring as greenback. Nevertheless, US Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill is considering plans to replace the famously green hue of dollar notes with a rainbow of seven different colours.

Speech by T Padoa-Schioppa of the ECB, 21 Mar

SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Accession Countries on the Way to the Euro: A Central Banker's View' Padoa-Schioppa said a carefully chosen timeframe for euro adoption by new members after they join the EU would ensure that fighting inflation would not…

HKMA Quarterly Bulletin - February 2002

REPORT - The Quarterly Bulletin (QB) carries regular reporting and analyses on the policies of the HKMA's key activities in fulfilling its central banking functions and provides a forum for the HKMA to explain its philosophy and policies, particularly…

Fed discussed dropping its tilt towards rate cuts

US - The Federal Reserve considered "unconventional" actions at its January monetary policy meeting in case its anti-recession campaign did not work and discussed abandoning its official leaning towards cutting short-term interest rates, minutes released…

Rerngchai fights negligence charge

THAILAND - Former governor of the Bank of Thailand Rerngchai Marakanond yesterday submitted his defence to the Civil Court on charges that he was "severely negligent" in his duties relating to the defence of the baht, causing Bt186 billion in damage to…

Japan slump 'slowing'

JAPAN - The struggling Japanese economy is continuing to deteriorate, but the decline shows signs of slowing down, the country's central bank said on Friday.

Banks tackle RBA in new card twist

AUSTRALIA - The Australian Bankers' Association (ABA) says the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has hired a lobbyist to promote credit card reform.

Speech by Susan Schmidt Bies of the Fed, 21 Mar

SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Current Challenges of Community Banks' Bies stressed to bankers the need for effective management oversight by bank directors, especially in the wake of the spectacular collapse of energy-trading giant Enron.

Federal Reserve Board Press Release

PRESS RELEASE - The Federal Reserve Board on Thursday announced the publication of a guide to help consumers better understand their rights and responsibilities with regard to electronic check conversion transactions.

The increasingly transparent Greenspan fed

FEATURE - Tuesday's decision by the Federal Open Market Committee that it would announce the roll call of the vote on the federal funds rate target, including the policy choice of any dissenters after each meeting, was the latest veil in its legendary…

Russia's new central bank chief

FEATURE - Promising little change to exchange-rate policy but progress on stalled banking change, Sergei Ignatyev was overwhelmingly elected Russia's Central Bank chief Wednesday by the lower house of parliament.

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