
Yemen cenbank governor counts oil blessings

Robust oil prices have helped boost Yemen's foreign reserves to a recordhigh of $2.5bn. The extra revenues are also speeding up economic reformsand the repayment of the country's debts, central bank governor AhmadAbdul-Rahman al-Samawi said.

Risk Management in Danmarks Nationalbank

This article by Ib Hansen and Christian Olgaard, in line with the National Bank of Denmark's transparency policy, takes an inside look at the way the bank manages financial market risks.

ECB posts loss in 1999

During 1999, in its first full year of operation, the European Central Bank(ECB) posted a loss of EUR 247m.

ECB posts loss in 1999

During 1999, in its first full year of operation, the European Central Bank(ECB) posted a loss of EUR 247m.

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