Francesco Papadia
Francesco Papadia is the chair of the Selection Panel of the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (HFSF). He was director general for market operations at the European Central Bank from 1998 to 2012. Previously, he held positions at the Bank of Italy, initially as director of the international section of the research department and later as deputy head of the foreign department. He holds a law degree from the University of Rome and undertook postgraduate studies in economics and business at the Istituto Adriano Olivetti in Ancona and at the London Business School.
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Articles by Francesco Papadia
Book notes: Monetary policy in times of crisis, by Massimo Rostagno et al
A mass of intellectual effort gives rare insights into the ECB’s inner working, but fails to fully address questions about who really controls inflation
Italy’s trial
Francesco Papadia argues Italy is likely to suffer financial and economic damage under its new political leadership, but will still not leave the euro