Manmohan Singh
Manmohan Singh is a senior economist at the International Monetary Fund. He holds a PhD and MBA from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a BS from Allegheny College.
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Articles by Manmohan Singh
Central bank balance sheets: is there an optimal structure?
Establishing guidelines is challenging, although there are many reasons why CBBSes are heterogeneous
Levelling the playing field for stablecoins
Regulatory asymmetries are a barrier to innovation in digital payments
Why central banks shouldn’t ignore stablecoins
Rapid growth of stablecoins could impair monetary policy transmission
Why fears about quantitative tightening are overblown
The benefits of collateral availability may outweigh the monetary liquidity withdrawn by central banks
How to stop stablecoins from hoarding precious collateral
Repo markets expert and crypto bank chief exec think Fed reserves are the right answer
Interoperability of stablecoins
Central bank reserves could be a better option for backing stablecoins than Treasuries, say Manmohan Singh, Caitlin Long and Charles Kahn