Federal Reserve System

The Outlook for the U.S. Economy

SPEECH - President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Michael Moskow gave a speech to the Priority One Annual Meeting, Crowne Plaza Five Seasons Hotel, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 7 August.

The securities activities of banks

SPEECH - Testimony of Governor Laurence Meyer, before the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit and the Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance and Government Sponsored Enterprises of the Committee on Financial Services, U.S…

The Economy in Transition

SPEECH - Remarks by Jack Guynn, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Jackson Rotary Club, Jackson, Mississippi, 23 July.

Chicago Fed: Recession risks rising

US - The risk that the U.S. economy is in a recession rose in June to its highest level this year, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago said on 2 August as it released its monthly index of U.S. economic activity.

Fed's Ferguson takes oath for new term

UNITED STATES - After spending two years in political limbo, U.S. Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Roger Ferguson was sworn in today, 26 July, for a second term on the U.S. central bank board, the Fed said.

Testimony of Chairman Alan Greenspan

SPEECH - Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, has given testimony today, 18 July, before the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives. His testimony is the Federal Reserve Board's semiannual monetary policy report…

Meyer takes aim at the Greenspan legacy

US - Kansas City Fed President Thomas Hoenig, who broke a recent pattern of Federal Open Market Committee unanimity by voting against a half-percentage-point rate cut on May 15, is not a real FOMC dissident, reports Dow Jones news.

Federal Reserves Meyer on Inflation Targets

SPEECH - Federal Reserve Board member, Governor Laurence H. Meyer has given a speech at the University of California, San Diego Economics Roundtable, San Diego, California. The speech is titled "Inflation Targets and Inflation Targeting" and was made…

Federal Reserve Bank of New York Research

RESEARCH - Kevin J. Stiroh at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has published an article titled Investing in Information Technology: Productivity Payoffs for U.S. Industries. The article is published in Current Issues in Economics and Finance, June…

New York Fed names new appointments

NEW YORK - The Federal Reserve Bank of New York announced that its board of directors has approved the promotion of three officers to assistant vice presidents and named eight new officers at the bank.

Beware of Dr. Green and Mr. Span

US - Some pretty smart people are warning about the danger of playing with interest rates, comparing the nation's central bankers to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Call these critics the Alan Greenspan bashers, writes the Economist magazine 5 July.

Fed settles with ex-Bankers Trust exec

US - The U.S. Federal Reserve said yesterday, 2 July, it had settled charges brought against a former Bankers Trust executive in connection with accounting violations at the bank during the mid-1990s.

The inside story of the Fed

BOOK - A new book on the Federal Reserve System looks at what it does and doesn't do, what it must do, how it works, and how it hasn't changed. It is written by Martin Mayer.