Federal Reserve System

Supereconomies face clashes

EUROPE - Central bank politics is assuming an intriguing role in attempted reversal of the slowdown of the US economy and spreading effects on other parts of the world.

Shadow Committee slams Fed

According to the US Shadow Open Market Committee the Fed had lsot sight "of its long-run inflation objective of price stability" in its recent series of rate cuts.

International Economic Review article

RESEARCH - Jon Faust and Lars E. O. Svensson of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, writing in the International Economic Review, define and study transparency, credibility, and reputation in a model where the central bank's characteristics…

US is wrong to browbeat the ECB into cutting rates

GERMANY - America is wrong to try to browbeat the European Central Bank into cutting interest rates "I hear but I do not listen," remains the response of Wim Duisenberg, president of the European Central Bank, to the clamour for lower interest rates.

Euro rates held steady

EUROPE - The European Central Bank has decided to leave interest rates unchanged after a scheduled board meeting in Frankfurt on Apr 26.

International monetary policy cooperation

CENTRAL BANK RESEARCH - Giancarlo Corsetti and Paolo Pesenti at the New York Fed have written a staff report titled "International Dimensions of Optimal Monetary Policy". This article finds that the gains to be made from international monetary…

Central banks could own big chunk of US Tsys-UBSW

RESEARCH - Global central banks could own the entire supply of marketable U.S. debt by the end of 2006 as growing foreign exchange reserves force them to buy more ultra-safe U.S. government debt, according to a survey of central banks conducted by UBS…

Financial innovation and monetary transmission

CENTRAL BANK RESEARCH - On April 5-6, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York organized the conference "Financial Innovation and Monetary Transmission." The twelve papers presented at the conference cover many topics including the "announcement effect",…

Fed spied on employee's emails-investigator

UNITED STATES - An investigator looking into an unusual labour dispute at the Federal Reserve Board has found credible evidence that Fed managers snooped on the e-mail correspondence of an office secretary and fired her when she considered starting a…

Greenspan's hero image 'is a liability'

UNITED STATES - The Financial Times on Apr 10 reports that Alan Greenspan's heroic image poses a liability for markets. The article is based on a report by UK economist Marcus Miller which was presented at the Royal Economic Society's annual conference…

Financial education should begin early-Greenspan

UNITED STATES - Consumers should become familiar with the basics of personal finance at a relatively young age, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said on Apr 6 in remarks that did not touch on the U.S. economy or monetary policy.

Ferguson on the monetary transmission mechanism

SPEECH - Fed vice chairman Roger Ferguson gave a speech on Apr 5, 2001 titled "Understanding Financial Consolidation" - a speech that he has already given three times this year. It is based on a study, commissioned by the G10 and directed by Ferguson,…

FSA hosts major Basel conference-Apr 10-11

UNITED KINGDOM - The UK's Financial Services Authority is organising a two day conference in London on April 10-11 which will be a key milestone in the UK consultation on the revised Basel Capital Accord and the European Commission's proposals for…

Role of research in the policy process-Gramlich

SPEECH - US Federal Reserve governor Edward Gramlich gave a speech on Apr 5, 2001, about the usefulness of private sector research into financial services for helping the Fed measure up and assess how well its laws and regulations are achieving their…