
Poland may replace three board members

Reports say that National Bank of Poland governor Leszek Balcerowicz will soon replace three members of the management board of the NBP, Jerzy Stopyra and Andrzej Bratkowski, while the third name is still unknown.

International Conference on Emerging Markets

The Centre for the Study of Emerging Markets (CSEM), Westminster Business School, London, will hold a two-day conference 11-12 June. Confirmed speakers include central bank governors from Poland, Bolivia, Latvia and Bosnia Herzegovina.

Poland's Monetary Policy Council hold rates

Poland's Monetary Policy Council kept interest rates on hold on Wednesday 25 February . The decision was expected due to the recently completed council changeover, but the council suggested rates were more likely to rise than fall.

Polish central bank's freedom threatened

The governor of the National Bank of Poland (NBP) Leszek Balcerowicz has said that the central bank's independence is threatened following the adoption of an amendment that would require the NBP to print money, according to AFP. "A central bank should be…

Issue of NBP revaluation reserve returns

Reports in Poland by the Polish news Bulletin said that the Finance Ministry may try to convince the Monetary Policy Council (RPP) that the central bank's revaluation reserve should be used to patch the budget deficit. However, the RPP criticised the…

Economy Minister: Poland should consider zloty peg

Polish Economy Minister Jerzy Hausner has called for Poland to peg the zloty to the euro, according to EU Business. But National Bank vice president Andrzej Bratkowski said prematurely linking the zloty to the euro "risks impeding a coherent economic…

Balcerowicz: 2007 euro entry depends on budget cut

Poland's adoption of the euro will depend on the success of the austerity plan, National Bank of Poland Governor Leszek Balcerowicz has said, according to the PAP news agency. Balcerowicz reiterated that the realistic date for entry to the eurozone is…

Fake Polish euros on sale on the internet

Fake sets of "collectors'" Polish euro coins are being sold on the internet, according to AFP. The "sample Polish Euros" were quickly dismissed by the National Bank of Poland who pointed out that it did not distribute such coins.

European central banks call for respect on Pact

Central bankers from Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic have called on euro-zone countries to respect the stability and growth pact fearing that growing demands for flexibility could undermine their own countries' efforts to join the euro, reports…

Poland appoints Czekaj to Monetary Policy Council

Poland's Deputy Finance Minister Jan Czekaj was voted onto the National Bank of Poland's Monetary Policy Council on Tuesday. Czekaj, a taxation guru at the ministry, was reported as saying after the Tuesday vote that he would likely take part in the…

Balcerowicz urges fiscal reform in Poland

Polish central bank governor Leszek Balcerowicz has urged the government to undertake serious fiscal reform measures, according to Deutsche Presse-Agentur. If Poland is to avoid repeating Argentina's mistakes, there is a simple choice: "Either tolerance…

'Arch-dove' proposed to Poland's monetary council

Poland's ruling SLD party has named current Deputy Finance Minister Jan Czekaj as its candidate to fill the vacancy on the national bank's interest rate-setting Monetary Policy Council (RPP), according to an Interfax report. The Polish government has…

Poland's Balcerowicz: State finances must improve

President Leszek Balcerowicz of the Polish National Bank told Polish radio that radical improvements must be made to the country's state finances. He said with public finances in poor health, a fast and uninterrupted economic growth will not be possible.

Polish Fin Min wants c bank help on foreign debt

Poland's finance ministry is seeking funds from the national bank at a preferential rate to use to repay part of Poland's foreign debt, so-called Brady bonds, according to Polish News Bulletin. Leszek Balcerowicz, president of the NBP, did not comment on…

Polish central bank may lend State $3-4bn

A member of the national bank of Poland's (NBP) interest rate setting RPP said the NBP may lend the government upto $3-4bn. Dariusz Rosati said the loan would go part of the way to meeting persistent demands by the government that the Bank should support…

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