
Book notes: Unelected power, by Paul Tucker

Tucker’s well-argued text sets out a set of principles for those in unelected positions of power to ensure they continue to act for the benefit of the general public, but Reddell says it is a shame more attention is not paid to smaller central banks

Risk-based supervision focus report 2018

This first Central Banking journal focus report on risk-based supervision analyses how central banks, financial regulators and financial institutions can streamline efforts to meet onerous new regulatory and supervisory data requirements.

New risks and opportunities

Central Banking convened a panel of experts to discuss how central banks and other authorities are making use of new risk-based assessment techniques to remain ahead of the fintech curve.

The IFF China Report 2018: The Bay Area Development

The Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Great Bay Area represents an effort to co-ordinate development to create globally competitive city clusters at the start of the Maritime Silk Road in southern China. These efforts are focussed in particular on innovation,…

Reducing the regulatory burden

Former Federal Reserve Bank of New York senior vice-president Kenneth Lamar discusses risk‑based reporting, its challenges and whether fintech will help reduce the regulatory burden.

The IFF China Report 2018: The Belt and Road Initiative

China’s signature Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) now includes 71 countries, with trillions of dollars of investment allocated. Leading Chinese and international policymakers explain how BRI efforts are progressing. This section includes an inaugural…

PBoC gains two-headed leadership

In appointing Guo Shuqing as party secretary at the PBoC, president Xi Jinping appears to be strengthening party control over the central bank