
Japan to unfreeze deposits of Afghan central bank

AFGHANISTAN - The Japanese government said Tuesday it will unfreeze the 77 million yen in deposits held in Japan by Afghanistan's central bank in line with the inauguration of an interim administration in the war-torn country.

Pakistan wins official debt deal

PAKISTAN - Pakistan yesterday secured an unprecedented debt restructuring deal from the Paris Club of official creditors in recognition of its economic reforms and its role in the war in Afghanistan.

IMF approves $1.3bn loan to Pakistan

US - The International Monetary Fund has approved a $1.3bn loan for Pakistan, to help it battle poverty and offset the economic impact of the war in Afghanistan.

Afghan central bank - little left but dollar bills

ARTICLE - A dingy bank vault in the center of this destitute, dust-smudged capital holds the foreign-currency reserves of Afghanistan: $90,000, much of it in single dollar bills. The cash, all that remains of Afghanistan's plundered treasury, was simply…

World's most unusual central bank

AFGHANISTAN - This is no ordinary central bank. The currency reserves of the Northern Alliance - large wads of Afghani notes that arrive from neighbouring Tajikistan - are kept in a broom cupboard in a mud-walled hut in the dusty Afghan town of Khoja…

Afghanistan currency strengthens

AFGHANISTAN - Money changers in Kabul have reported that the national currency of Afghanistan has strengthened, after losing 10% of its value in the initial aftermath of the attacks on America.

Afghan economy fights for survival

ARTICLE - The threat of US military action against Afghanistan looks set to devastate the livelihood of its people. The economy barely functions, with no recognisable central bank, leaving Afghans to fend for themselves.

Pakistan cbank concerned Afghans using rupee-FT

PAKISTAN - A sharp rise in the amount of Pakistani rupee in circulation has prompted Pakistan's central bank to begin an inquiry into the increasing use of the currency in neighboring Afghanistan, senior bank officials said on Mar 28, 2001, according to…